It's been two weeks since I wrote anything and I feel the need to write. I just spent the Sabbath in amazing worship and am so glad to live and love in community with God's people. When we first moved to the "BIG" city of Atlanta, I was lonely for the friendship of other likeminded folk. The size of our church blew me away and I was sure it would be awhile before we would connect meaningfully, then God showed up on the scene and wowed me. Words cannot express the love and care of our "small group", nor the depth of love and care of the choir community I am blessed to be a part of. In our time of great loss and grief God has used these and more to hold us up and encourage our family with extravagant love that only God can enable. I feel His grace flow through me like a river and am comforted beyond comprehension. I could have stayed away from social situations and everyone would have understood not attending and participating in the worship service after my brother went to Glory,but -------I needed my "family" around me. I needed to worship. I realized in Steve Brown's words from the Saturday P.M. sermon, "where else would I go?". In the kingdom of God we are interconnected and dependent on one another. There is healing for the sick, rejoicing for the jubilant, weeping for the suffering, and balm for the soul of souls in ministry one to another. To quote the best, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Gal 6:2 I'm glad God created us to need each other. We are all broken vessels, no wonder His spirit fills us daily moment by moment, we leak. I am needy and I am glad God is here to fill the need and ready to use his people as instuments if they will let Him.
This is really weel written, Mom. I miss you.
Hi Marsha
18 years ago Rich started with our little PUB in Naples. I had the pleasure of knowing Rich (Biggie to us) for many years. In the early days of the Pub it was Rich and his tireless effort that kept us gong. He was aleays there when we needed him. Many is the time we had to call him at home because one of the cooks did not show or the kitchenwas buried. When he arrive it was like " the parting of the sea" He would just step go to work at a feverous pace and pail us out. One of his best attributes was his Christian ethec hich set the tone for the rest of the staff. I personally believe it was this ethic that set the stage for our restaurants to be blessed with honest ee's with intefrity since that beginning in Dec of 1990. Without his leadership and honest guidance we would be just another restaurant. Marsha we will be forever grateful to your bother for setting the tone which very few restaurants enjoy. For 18 years the owners have trusted the ee's to run the retauarant having faith and confidence that they will have the highest integrity and moral values. How many restaurants are the owners not present looking over the shoulders of the ee's. Yes your whole family can be very proud of Rich and the example he set for others. Although I have not seen him inseveral years he still is vividly present in my mind. A very special man!!
Our prayers are with you and your family as you go through this very dfficult period.
The peace on love of Christ be with all of you
Steve Briggs
Old Naples Pub
PS: Can you please let me know how I might contact sally as since they left Naples I have lost contact with the family
I wish I would have read this two months ago. Your written words are a blessing. I love you.
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