Monday, February 14, 2011

Well, I think I will post a few pictures of some other quilts for my own memory sake. The Sunbonnet Sue is Clara Joy Monahan's, 2010 and the red/black and tan was a quickie for our Condo in GA so it would look nice for pictures in order to rent/sell it. I am currently completing a Sunbonnet Sue to match Clara's for Jane Elizabeth, so their beds will match.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Yup, back in the North Country, and I have finally adjusted to the cold weather again but am so looking forward to Spring. The hunt is on for a job and I surely will find one. It's hard to quit a good job to move because I absolutely hate job interviews, such stupid questions and all. Like: do you think it's okay to use drugs, sell drugs, or drink liquor while working? Duh! And my personal favorite, is it okay to steal from the company? The psychologists who put these things together need to get a life! Who would ever answer yes to anything like this? I could go on and on but most folks have answered these and more. Life is good and I am enjoying my new church family at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Season in Atlanta Ended

Okay, so I guess everyone does FB now and no one looks at blogs! Now we are moved from Atl, GA to Marshall, MN where Rick has been hired by SMSU in the Communication dept. We miss our friends in Atlanta, and our children in TN and most of all our grandchildren. However, we are enjoying returning to our roots in MN. Closed on our new home in Marshall last Friday. praise God! God has led us here and we are searching out a church to call "home". Fall is quickly approaching as the air cools down and we anticipate a period of adjusting to cold weather once again after being away from it for 23 yrs. I was just putting things away and came across old news clipping of Rick's brother Ray's memorial service in 1998, hard to believe he died just before his 47th birthday and it has been 12 yrs already. I wish we had been able to travel from FL to MN for the event, but circumstances had not permitted and I still feel like their was no closure for us. In two weeks it will be the third year since my brother Rich went to heaven at age 56 and that also feels weird. Rich would have liked my new house, but it will never hear the sound of his big voice. I feel blessed to experience the marvelous benefits of God's grace and allow myself to grieve occasionally for those we love and miss. Here's to a new chapter in Marshall, MN--thank you God!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wow, I sure don't come here very often. Guess FB takes most of my computer time. Things are moving right along. We are finanlly at the point where the hubbie's dissertation is well under way and the job prospects are coming in, new ones every day. Wonder where we'll be next fall. Our time in Atlanta feels like it may be coming to an end. God has our future in His hands and I pray for wisdom as we anticipate a change.

Friday, January 22, 2010


It's been a long time since I posted anything but hang on to your boots cause here goes! Had a wonderful holiday season with the immediate family. Rick, myself, Karen's family, Katie and Carl and Lauren and my mom and dad stayed at a cabin in Elijay over Christmas. I am attaching only one pic from the weekend, a photo of Karen and Katie in their retro aprons I made them for Christmas. Hope all my friends had a great Christmas and see you on FB.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

It's been two weeks since I wrote anything and I feel the need to write. I just spent the Sabbath in amazing worship and am so glad to live and love in community with God's people. When we first moved to the "BIG" city of Atlanta, I was lonely for the friendship of other likeminded folk. The size of our church blew me away and I was sure it would be awhile before we would connect meaningfully, then God showed up on the scene and wowed me. Words cannot express the love and care of our "small group", nor the depth of love and care of the choir community I am blessed to be a part of. In our time of great loss and grief God has used these and more to hold us up and encourage our family with extravagant love that only God can enable. I feel His grace flow through me like a river and am comforted beyond comprehension. I could have stayed away from social situations and everyone would have understood not attending and participating in the worship service after my brother went to Glory,but -------I needed my "family" around me. I needed to worship. I realized in Steve Brown's words from the Saturday P.M. sermon, "where else would I go?". In the kingdom of God we are interconnected and dependent on one another. There is healing for the sick, rejoicing for the jubilant, weeping for the suffering, and balm for the soul of souls in ministry one to another. To quote the best, "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." Gal 6:2 I'm glad God created us to need each other. We are all broken vessels, no wonder His spirit fills us daily moment by moment, we leak. I am needy and I am glad God is here to fill the need and ready to use his people as instuments if they will let Him.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

It's a sad time in our family. Richard Hardt, my only brother went home to be with God Sept.22nd and left us all missing him and quite stunned. It's all new to us, this grieving thing and I want to do it well. I'm not asking "why" but just wondering what God is up to. We are all on the roller coaster in the grieving cycle and I know in my case, it's touch and go. For those of you who didn't hear, Rich was on his way home from work riding his usual route on the Harley and a truck pulled out and he didn't have a chance. We are christians and my family knows the Savior who has redeemed us and has sealed us and never ever leaves us, it's still hard. I already miss singing with him at holidays and sampling his cullinary masterpieces. Heaven's choir has a new baritone member and I imagined I heard him joining with our church choir voices this morning with the same audience, God on his throne and Jesus sitting to His right, all worshipping, it's still hard. I know it gets easier, this grieving thing, but until then, pray for us as we bear the grief of our loss and are reminded again that this life is a rehearsal for the real thing, we're just-a-passing through. Live well, love well, worship well and some day we will all be in the presence of the One who sought us and bought us with His own blood. It's still hard. Amen